Our Programs
Beginner Level
For anyone looking to try out fencing. Students with little to no fencing experience are encouraged to take our Beginner Level classes, where they will learn fencing basics, participate in games designed to improve coordination, stamina, and reflexes, as well as participate in our supervised bouting sessions, where they apply the lessons learned in class in realistic practice scenarios.
Intermediate Level
For students with 6 months to 2 years of fencing experience. Students at the Intermediate Level build on their existing fencing knowledge, and focus on learning complex strategies, enhancing their reflexes and coordination, and become fully knowledgeable in the rules of fencing.
Competitive Level
For students with at least one full year of fencing experience or more. Students at the Competitive Level compete at the local, regional, and national level. These classes are designed to teach essential bouting strategies, advanced fencing techniques, and push students to their greatest fencing potential.
Private Lessons
We offer a selection of private 1 to 1 sessions with any of our world renowned coaching staff. These 20-minute sessions will focus on refining fencing techniques, improve fencing strategies, and accelerate fencing growth. We highly encourage all fencers to add private lessons to their programs to maximize their learning potential.